

Oxalyl chloride

2021/9/4 11:39:57

CAS No:79-37-8



Oxalyl chloride, also known as glyoxyl chloride, is not only an intermediate of benzoylurea insecticides such as flufenuron and chlorfenuron, but also an intermediate of sulfonylurea herbicides such as Metsulfuron methyl, bensulfuron methyl and pyrsulfuron methyl. In addition, it can also be used in medicine as a raw material for the synthesis of antibiotics. For the synthesis of organic chlorides. Used as military poison gas. It is used for the preparation of organic chlorides. It is mainly used as an important raw material intermediate for the synthesis of sulfonylurea herbicides, pesticides and pharmaceutical chemistry. It is also a high-quality acylating agent for polyamide, chemical cold light agent, liquid crystal and other chemical industries. It is mainly used for the synthesis of pesticides and pesticide intermediates and analytical reagents for the synthesis of other organic chlorides. It is mainly used as an important raw material intermediate for sulfonylurea herbicides, pesticides and pharmaceutical chemical synthesis. It is also a high-quality acylating agent in the chemical industry such as polyamide, chemical cold light agent and liquid crystal, and a chlorinating agent for organic synthesis. It is generally used as military poison gas and chlorination agent in organic synthesis

    Phone:+86-18260589889     Contacts:Mr. Shen     Address:Nantong of jiangsu province haimen area guanghua building 12 C floor layer
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